-Turn on the ignition.
- Hold down the kilometer reset button. A warning signal will appear after a few seconds.
- Release the button when "FGSTNR" appears on the display. After a few seconds, a 7-digit number will appear.
- Add the last 5 digits (3 + 2 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 20). This will be the code for the menu.
- Press and hold the reset button until "01 .__" is displayed.
- Then immediately start pressing the reset button several times until "19 .__." Is displayed. “LOCK ON” menu on the display.
- After “CODE: 00” appears, use the reset key to enter the code.
01 .__ Vehicle information
- 01.00 FGSTNR (Chassis number)
- 01.01 K-ZAHL W / T
- 01.02 BMWTNR
- 01.03 COD DIA (diagnostic code)
- 01.04 Date of manufacture (week / year) - here it is written that it belongs to the car, but I know it only belongs to the dashboard
- 01.05 Hardware version
- 01.06 Software version
- 01.07 Date of coding
- 01.08 CAN
02 .__ Dashboard test
04 .__ Consumption
- 04.00 - Average consumption
- 04.01 - Average consumption
- 04.02 - D-VERB1 LIT (Average consumption)
- 04.03 - D-VERB1 WEG (Average consumption)
- 04.04 - D-VERB2 LIT (Average Consumption)
- 04.05 - D-VERB2 WEG (Average consumption)
05 .__ Range
- 05.00 Average consumption as a basis for calculating the range Liter / 100km
- 05.01 Instantaneous range in km
06 .__ Tank Information
- 06.00 Tank contents left / right (234123 = 23.4l left and 12.3l right tank)
- 06.01 Total tank content
- 06.02 Tank content indicating tank hour
07 .__ Motor
- 07.00 Current cooling water temperature
- 07.01 Outdoor temperature instantaneous
- 07.02 Average outside temperature.
- 07.03 engine speed
- 07.04 Tachometer
- 08.00 Actual speed
- 08.01 speed shown on the display
- 08.02 Target speed set on cruise control
- 08.03 DGESCH1 WEG
- 08.04 DGESCH1 ZEIT
- 08.05 DGESCH2 WEG
- 08.06 DGESCH2 ZEIT
09 .__ Battery voltage
- 09.00 Instantaneous voltage
- 09.01 - 9.3 none / unknown
10 .__
11 .__
- 11:00 12/24 hour setting
- 11.01 distance and speed unit setting
- 11.02 Setting the temperature unit
- 11.03 fuel format setting
13 .__ Speaker Test
14 .__
15 .__
16 .__
17 .__
18 .__ Error lamp test
19 .__ Hidden menu item
- (five-digit number added)
20: Consumption correction factor
- 20.0 Consumption correction factor
- 20.1 Setting the numbers 1
- 20.2 Setting the numbers 10
- 20.3 Setting the 100 numbers
21 .__ Reset
- 21.00 Software-Reset, (Date time, other settings)